
Fuel Usage for a H28

Like many H28 owners we enjoy our cruising with a mix of using sail-power and engine power. Sailing when the breezes are favorable and motoring with that iron spinnaker when the conditions are 'agin' us. During our summer cruising we can be out for 2 to 3 weeks,...

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Self Steering

The H28 with her long keel, is a particularly stable vessel and easy on the Helmsman. She will even steer herself for short periods while the solo helmsman attends to sail trim. But, as any long distance sailor will tell you, the pointless drudgery of long hours at...

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A Trim Tab for Centesimal

I was in Suva in 1980 and noticed a nice little H28 from Whangarei sitting in the cockpit was the owner and creator of a very clever trim tab rubber system. Some weeks later we sailed up the coast in tandem and I noticed then how well she sailed and the wind vane was...

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A H28 Engine Transplant

Many early Compass H28 yachts were fitted with 10 hp engines although some later launched yachts had 20 hp power-packs. Bukh engines were a common choice as was the case with our H28, Sandbourne, when launched in 1985. At 20 plus years down the...

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Solving a Propeller Noise Problem

Two years ago we replaced the Bukh DV20 engine on our H28 with a Yanmar 3MY20 engine. The old Bukh was rated 20hp @ 3000 rpm and the new Yanmar was rated 22hp @ 3600 rpm. During the commissioning sea-trials a very noisy rattle was evident at engine speeds above 2100...

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Holding Tanks – Sandbourne

My approach was; Find a holding tank shape that fitted the space available under one of the forward berths … as well as a suitable diaphram-type pump for the location I had in mind. Fit the necessary pipe connections into the holding tank then fit the holding tank...

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Coastal Preperations for Nightshift

Bear in mind we are sailors of only moderate experience, 5 years ago neither of us had sailed a yacht. The preparation of Nightshift for coastal cruising is similar to preparing the yacht to be Category 1 for cruising offshore. Many of the things done to Nightshift...

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Re-Powering Weypago

A week or so before Easter we were sailing Weypago around Lyttelton Harbour when we chanced to see, beating up the harbour, a very smart looking H28. We were running goose winged at the time but after a hurried conference we decided to pursue this fine looking ship...

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Anchor Light

Vic and Kay on board Liffey have adapted a solar garden light from the Warehouse to use an anchor light. The light sits in the rod holder mounted on the pushpit. Since they now have an outboard an extension is being made to lift the light up high enough. The advantage...

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Strengthening a H28 for Rough Conditions

. Hatch area - step in boat around about 12-14 inch hatch box set into cockpit - this prevents water from getting down below in the event of wave coming into cockpit - it is the same height as the seat - a continuation of the seat - also reduces the amount of cockpit...

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About Arca

Arca has a built in permanent nav table opposite the galley.  There is a  quarterberth behind the nav table Note the Bridgedeck!  Awkward getting in and out in a big sea - but a good safety feature if there is any danger of being pooped There is an opening coachroof...

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Engine Envy

A couple of months ago Clive Cameron mentioned he was considering getting a bigger engine for his H28 Rondo. I though it sounded like a good idea. When the wind is blowing from the southwest and the tide is running out it can take what seems for ever to get back up...

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Weight Forward

When you observe an H28 which has been designed with soft / slack bilges aft and then include the fact that most have had a motor, which weighs between 100-215kg (20hpBukh) installed, add 2-3 people you end up with a potential combined weight in the back of the boat...

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Cruising Sail Trim

While some H28s are rigged and equipped for racing, the majority are cruising yachts and are sailed as such. The H28 that is not equipped for racing can still be sailed well in the cruising situation and you can get enjoyment out of trimming your sails for maximum...

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Rig Guide

First thing to do is to check that your rig is installed in the boat correctly. To do this, carry out the following procedures. Slacken off any added back stay tension that has been applied so as to leave the rig as it is normally set up. Also it pays to remove your...

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Fibreglass Dodgers

Solid fibreglass dodgers have won a lot of support - the converts claiming a vast improvement on the traditional canvas ones. Popular in Nelson and common elsewhere in the country the key benefits include: much more solid construction (one can lean on them safely)more...

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Installing a Replacement Refigeration System

Having an installed freezer chest, that no longer operates, can bring tears to your eyes if the beer is warm and the air temperature hot.  Our faulty freezer was diagnosed with a leak in the refrigerant-gas piping, buried well within the cold-chest … an expensive...

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Taking on the ground

Technical article by Brian Greer (reprint) Much of the fun in owning a cruising yacht comes from being able to explore new anchorages. The shallow draught and docile manner of the H28 makes her ideal for this purpose; but, as Robbie Burns once warned us, things do not...

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Rigging for Offshore

All of Herreshoff's yachts were designed to be seaworthy, and the H28 was no exception. Many of the Compass Yachts fibreglass versions have made long ocean passages, safely and comfortably; probably the most notable being the circumnavigation by two young Wellington...

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Getting Your H28 up to Cat 1 Standard

The first thing I would recommend you do is get your local cat 1 inspector to have a quick look at your boat, make a note of what he or she is concerned about and then use this as your work list. Cost approx. $120.00 or if you know them well some suitable reward. One...

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Backstay for Power and Efficiency

One of the best places to look for more boatspeed is the back of your boat - specifically your backstay tensioning system. Many boats have underpowered tensioners that cannot tension the headstay adequately, or systems that are awkward to use, requiting crew to leave...

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The condition and setting up of the sails will also have a great bearing on pointing ability. There is a very good book on sail trim called "New Book of Sail Trim" edited by Ken Texter. Boat Books in Westhaven have this in stock @ $48.95 and the ISBN Number is:...

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Le Chat’s Traveller

Le Chat is looking quite good this year after many hours of sanding the teak inside and several coats of oil, we have also moved our mainsheet from the cockpit onto the cabin top, this is a great improvement, better purchase on the main sheet, better pointing ability,...

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Rafting Up

Sometimes you may feel sociable and want to raft up alongside a neighbour. This is fine, provided the weather is calm and there is negligible surge in the anchorage. But be sure you can cast off quickly if the wind or surge increase. It is very easy to smash...

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Holding Tanks – Rondo

For the benefit of the females that come out on the H28 Rondo (and the males too I guess) I decided to fit a Holding Tank System. 1 looked at the various options that were available i.e. Lectrasan, large under the front tank, but I eventually opted for the Burnsco...

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Pointing to Windward

The H28 being a full or long keeled boat will never point as close to the wind as a fin keeler. However, it is interesting to see in our racing in Auckland, how much difference there is in the pointing ability of the different H28's. Why does this occur? Well there...

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Youre Aground

IMMEDIATE ACTIONS: Doing the right thing quickly often makes the difference between getting off unnoticed or having the embarrassment, and possibly danger, of drying out. The easiest way off is usually by the same route you went on. On a weather shore:...

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One Approach to Pushpit Seats

Standing at the tiller for long periods, or sitting in the cockpit without being able to clearly see forward, was not my idea of relaxation when running before the wind on one of those long cruisey legs aboard our H28 Sandbourne. Plenty of other H’s had added raised...

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Trimming a H28

The condition and setting up of the sails will also have a great bearing on pointing ability. There is a very good book on sail trim called "New Book of Sail Trim" edited by Ken Texter. Boat Books in Westhaven have this in stock @ $48.95 and the ISBN Number is:...

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Propeller Pragmatism

A couple of months ago I mentioned that some of our members had replaced their engines with new diesels. Not only were the engines changed but also the shafts and props. Whereas with engines "big seems to be best" the perfect prop for a yacht is inevitably a...

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Reducing Weather Helm

Mast rake will affect the helm balance to a large extent. Raking a mast aft usually increases weather helm and raking forward has the opposite effect. If it is slightly raked aft then I would take this out and see how the helm feels. It is very important to make sure...

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Solitude II’s Hard Top

For some time I have been thinking about installing a hard top on Solitude II down here in Lyttelton. I wanted to retain the lines of the cabin etc to keep the side profile which I thought was not the case in some other examples reported. The attached photos show what...

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Holding Tanks – Sandbourne

My approach was; Find a holding tank shape that fitted the space available under one of the forward berths … as well as a suitable diaphram-type pump for the location I had in mind. Fit the necessary pipe connections into the holding tank then fit the holding tank...

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Coastal Preparations for Nightshift

Bear in mind we are sailors of only moderate experience, 5 years ago neither of us had sailed a yacht. The preparation of Nightshift for coastal cruising is similar to preparing the yacht to be Category 1 for cruising offshore. Many of the things done to Nightshift...

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Ellysuim’s Hard Top

Are you thinking of buying a canvas dodger for your boat? Are you thinking of replacing your current canvas to your dodger? Why not consider a solid one. I now have a new Hard top on my boat. I am sorting out final costings and considering whether or not I should...

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Building a H28

A number of H28s have been built by their owners. The degree of construction completed by the owner ranges from completing the interior of a hull and deck kitset to laying up the fiberglass hull. The cost of building an H28 is estimated to be in the region of $80K to...

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H28 Cradle Dimensions

Main beams i section 2 – 2.5 mtr long x 150x100mm (to fit your low loader) Upright arms: 2.2 metres L or box 50x50mm Upright arms stays. 40 x 12mm solid bar or 10m/m chain 1.5metres long Spacing rails between i beams 30x30mm L 2.2metres long.

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Bob Carson’s new boat

A new H28 is being built in Florida by Bob Carson using a hull made by Middleton Marine. Bob is a boat cabinet maker who specializes in fitting out and detailing new boats. Jamie Thomas took the photos on his last visit to Florida in December 2002. Jamie reports that...

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Rusty Ballast – Surgery Deep in the Heart of an H28

Being the proud owner of a Compass Yacht built Herreshoff H28, I would like to share with other H28 owners an experience I had with my boat, Centesimal, during the winter of 2000. The Problem: Early last year, I noticed all was not well with the keel. A problem I had...

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My name is Kevin Neumann and I have been looking for the opportunity to move up from a trailer sailer to a Keeler for some time. I live in Nelson and enjoy the area of the Marlborough Sounds and Abel Tasman very much and the challenge of sailing in these areas. I...

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A typical maintenance schedule for a winter haulout.

Following on from a talk and general discussion held at one of the H28 social meetings, I have been asked to outline a typical maintenance schedule for a winter haulout. This is probably best achieved by breaking it down into the major areas and listing the things to...

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Restoration of a H28 in California

My name is Frank Parth and I "inherited" my H28 when the previous owner decided that after keeping it on blocks for 6 years maybe he wouldn't get around to working on it after all. I picked up the boat by paying two month's back rent (total of $320 US) and a promise...

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Building Lyla

Our H28 sloop Lyla was launched on October 13, having been fitted out by my husband Robin Clearwater over a number of years. It was one of the last  to enter the water of a series of fibreglass hulls moulded in New Zealand by Compass Yachts from a modified Herreshoff...

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Salsmic, the  owners are Sean and Sharron McColl with two daughters Alicia 2 and a half years old and Lara 10 months old. Salsmic was purchased by Tender in June 2000. The previous owner had purchased it new from Compass Yachts and had worked on it for a number of...

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The Dos and Don’ts of Anchoring

The Do’s: Approach the selected anchorage slowly.Head into wind, or into tide, whichever is stronger.Know the depth and the tide stage before you anchor. Check the chart for foul ground and make sure you will have enough depth at low water.Stop before lowering the...

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H28 Cradle Dimensions

Main beams i section 2 – 2.5 mtr long x 150x100mm (to fit your low loader) Upright arms: 2.2 metres L or box 50x50mm Upright arms stays. 40 x 12mm solid bar or 10m/m chain 1.5metres long Spacing rails between i beams 30x30mm L 2.2metres long.

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Building a H28

A number of H28s have been built by their owners. The degree of construction completed by the owner ranges from completing the interior of a hull and deck kitset to laying up the fiberglass hull. The cost of building an H28 is estimated to be in the region of $80K to...

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Bob Carson’s new boat

A new H28 is being built in Florida by Bob Carson using a hull made by Middleton Marine. Bob is a boat cabinet maker who specializes in fitting out and detailing new boats. Jamie Thomas took the photos on his last visit to Florida in December 2002. Jamie reports that...

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