The beginning of it all

The H28 Owners Association came into being at a meeting at the Richmond Yacht Club, on the 29th April, 1974. 


This followed a hectic period, when Compass Yachts were on overtime, and H28 were taking over from gnomes as garden ornaments around Auckland.

A number of early H28 owners had suggested that an association be formed, and to determine the strength of interest, Roy and Sonia Speed sent out a letter to all those on Compass Yacht’s order book. As 65 affirmative replies were received the inaugural meeting was called.  This meeting, attended by 40 people, was Chaired by Roy Speed, with John Maurice as Secretary.

A committee was elected and instructed to consider the following:—

  • The preparation of a Constitution and a set of rules to keep H28, one design.
  • To investigate the possibility of affiliating with the Royal Akarana Yacht Club.
  • To hold regular meetings on topics of interest, and to publish newsletters to keep members advised of association activities.
  • The organisation of family cruising passage races.
  • Investigate a group insurance scheme.
  • Investigate the possibility of a group discount arrangement.
The original committee comprised, Chairman — Roy Speed, Treasurer — Neville Collett, Secretary — Harry Caplen, with Ron Beavon, Gerald Cray, John Maurice, Tom Simpson, David Smale, and Graeme Collie as Publicity Officer.

The first General Meeting was held on the 10th June, with Stu Brown (Sinbad) speaking of his experiences in the Auckland-Lyttelton race, and the success of this evening was the starting point for regular meetings, which have at times seen the RAYC clubrooms bulging at the seams.

Meanwhile such was the enthusiasm of the committee, that by the first AGM, held on the 21st October, 1974, we were able to offer a group insurance scheme, and had arranged for our members to receive a discount of 20% at Sydney Woodroffe and Sons Ltd.

Thanks largely to Tom Simpson, a constitution and set of rules were ready for adoption. Graeme Collie’s newsletters were raising a quiet chuckle, and the coming summer was to see the start of on the water activities.

That the H28 Owners Association has grown to become the largest and most successful of all the Owners Associations is a source of pride to those originally involved, and thanks must go to successive committees for the work they have put in.

Roy Speed 1980.

Where will you go in your H28?